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Blackmail,is when the offender threatens to reveal information about a victim or his family members that is potentially embarrassing, socially damaging, or incriminating unless a demand for money, property, or services is met. Even if the information is true or actually incriminating, you can still be charged with blackmail if you threaten to reveal it unless the victim meets your demand.

Most blackmailers succeed because victims are too scared or embarrassed to challenge the offenders. Once the victim is threatened or placed in a position of fear of exposure, they feel they have no choice but to comply with the blackmailer's requests. Private Investigations Agency understands how blackmail can make individuals feel isolated, exposed and helpless. If you feel you are being blackmailed, Our Investigative Firm can identify your blackmailer(s) and end their reign of terror on you and your family or your organisation. Don't allow yourself to be held hostage by the threat of being exposed.

Meet with us today and learn how we can help.Private Investigations begins our investigation by meeting with the person(s) being blackmailed and listening to their story in a private, secure setting. As difficult as it may be to talk about the circumstances surrounding the blackmailer's focus, you have our guarantee we will listen to you and develop an investigative plan tailored to bring the situation to an abrupt end. Our focus is to get your life back while protecting your interests and reputation


Extortion is a form of theft that occurs when an offender obtains money, property, or services from another person through coercion. To constitute coercion, the necessary act can be the threat of violence, destruction of property, or improper government action. Inaction of the testimony or the withholding of testimony in a legal action are also acts that constitute coercion.

Common forms of extortion:

  • Threatening to file a false claim against someone unless money, goods, or services are received.
  • Threatening to file a lawsuit on false grounds unless money, goods, or services are receive.
  • “Protection” from local gangs, mafia, or police provided at an unreasonable price, with the threat that without “protection,” harm will come to the person or company being extorted Unfortunately, with technology rapidly advancing, individuals are more likely to become victims of extortion. Whether you made a poor choice or trusted someone you shouldn't have is no reason to be victimized. Prior to coming to us, many of our clients have made payments to these predators only to find out that they keep coming back for more. You have our guarantee that we will find these criminals and bring them to justice.
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